Friday, February 13, 2009

Ninth Insight “Apocalypse in 2012?”

CNN January 27, 2009
(Full news release at bottom)

“The calendar shows the number of days elapsed since the beginning date: August 13, 3114 B.C. (some scholars think the date is actually August 11, 3114 B.C.)”

“The date marks the end of a 5,126-year cycle on the Long Count calendar developed by the Maya, the ancient civilization known for its advanced understanding of astronomy and for the great cities it left behind in Mexico and Central America. (Some scholars believe the cycle ends a bit later -- on December 23, 2012.)”

Real Story, Yes! 2012 Dates in Revelations and Mayans Do Agree!

Do not be misled by Christian Conservative “misinformational news releases” that highlight minor differences and leave out facts not approved by Christianity.

In this article, 24 words are used to describe a 2 day difference in a 5,126 year calendar of 2 million days, but not one word describes how science has proven that the Mayan calendar is based upon “solar sun spot cycles”.

Thus, question, why do Christian Conservatives use misinformational news releases to discredit the Mayan’s calendar’s specific ending date? Answer, because the Vatican knows my ancestor, Quetzalcoatl, was the 2nd coming of Jesus, Jesus’ 9th Incarnation and the one who prophesized the Mayan’s ending calendar date of December 21, 2012, and Revelations “42 months” and “1,260 days” time periods.

In the 1500s, Spanish Inquisition Christian mercenaries and missionaries destroyed millions of Mayan codices containing a priceless amount of scientific, historical and spiritual information. The Vatican ordered this barbaric destruction of humanity’s wisdom because the Mayan’s spiritual wisdom far surpassed Rome’s.

While the Vatican’s version of creation and Jesus’ life comes from the Roman Emperor Constantine, the Jewish Old Testament and the false prophet Paul, the Mayan’s version of creation came directly from Jesus, (as told to Mormonism’s Joseph Smith, but suppressed by Brigham Young as explained in CD #6.)

Mayan codices explained how our universe was created and the wonders of humanity’s true history. Mayan codices explained the historic fact that Quetzalcoatl was Jesus’ 9th incarnation and in his 8th incarnation, he was crucified beside 2 others.

“Ratzo” and other Conservative Christians cannot refute this, because in the few surviving Mayan codices not destroyed by Christianity, there is proof about Jesus’ crucifixion. The Mayan “Codex Borgianus” shows Quetzalcoatl nailed to a cross as Jesus in many of the illustrations, sometimes with 2 others crucified beside him.

Now, those who read St John the Mystic’s “Revelations” with an open mind see there are 2 separate time periods during the End Times, one is “42 months” and the other is “1,260 days”. Both are 3.5 years long, but in bible code words, writing two different time periods in the same prophecy means that these are two separate time periods.

Therefore, it is expected that in June, 2009 that a magnetized cloud of energy will erupt from the sun and disrupt wireless low frequency energy transmissions. This event will temporarily create the ultra high frequency magnetic oriented energies necessary for the Physical Body Ascensions, that are prophesized in all religions.

Those trained in the “Dance of Life” are expected to Ascend June 2009 “1260 days” before December 2012, as prophesized in “Revelations” and the Mayan codices, by using ultra high frequency magnetic oriented life force energies from the sun.

In October 2005, a lecture was given and those gathered were invited to a special Mystery School that began December 2005. In June 2009, the school’s adepts will have trained for “42 months”, and are fully ready to lead the Physical Body Ascensions as prophesized in “Revelations” and Mayan Codices.

It is now too late for most people to learn the “Dance of Life”, however, those who wish to join the Ascension must, as prophesized, “energetically cleanse” themselves and “Become As Little Children”.

Those who wish to become as little children should listen to the ultra high frequency electro-magnetic energies of the “Word” in the Star Children CDs, and/or request free “Whole Brain Thinking Techniques” from

The truth about Jesus and Quetzalcoatl has been recorded in the "Revelations about Revelations" CDs. The Star Children and Revelations CDs, as well as our AIDS Babies benefit DVD on the true history of humanity, are available at

Full News Release
Apocalypse in 2012? Date spawns theories, film
CNN January 27, 2009

(CNN) -- Just as "Y2K" and its batch of predictions about year 2000 have become a distant memory, here comes "Twenty-twelve."
The sun shines through the door of the Seven Dolls Temple, in the Maya ruins of Dzibilchaltun in Mexico.
Fueled by a crop of books, Web sites with countdown clocks, and claims about ancient timekeepers,
interest is growing in what some see as the dawn of a new era,
and others as an expiration date for Earth: December 21, 2012.

The date marks the end of a 5,126-year cycle on the Long Count calendar developed by the Maya, the ancient civilization known for its advanced understanding of astronomy and for the great cities it left behind in Mexico and Central America. (Some scholars believe the cycle ends a bit later -- on December 23, 2012.) Speculation in some circles about whether the Maya chose this particular time because they thought something ominous would happen has sparked a number of doomsday theories. The hype also has mainstream Maya scholars shaking their heads. "There's going to be a whole generation of people who, when they think of the Maya, think of 2012, and to me that's just criminal," said David Stuart, director of the Mesoamerica Center at the University of Texas at Austin. "There is no serious scholar who puts any stock in the idea that the Maya said anything meaningful about 2012." But take the fact that December 21, 2012, coincides with the winter solstice, add claims the Maya picked the time period because it also marks an alignment of the sun with the center of the Milky Way galaxy, and you have the makings of an online sensation.

Long Count 101
• The Long Count calendar was one of several created by the ancient Maya.
• It consists of the following units of time:
kin = one day
uinal = 20 days
tun = 360 days (18 uinal)
katun = 7,200 days (20 tun)
baktun = 144,000 days (20 katun)
• The calendar shows the number of days elapsed since the beginning date: August 13, 3114 B.C. (some scholars think the date is actually August 11, 3114 B.C.)
• The dates are written as numbers separated by periods in the following order: (baktun).(katun).(tun).(uinal).(kin)
• July 20, 1969 -- the date of the first moon landing -- would be written as:
• December 21, 2012, would be written as and the day after that as

Type "2012" into an Internet search engine and you'll find survival guides, survival schools, predictions and "official stuff" to wear, including T-shirts with slogans such as "2012 The End" and "Doomsday 2012."Theories about what might happen range from solar storms triggering volcano eruptions to a polar reversal that will make the Earth spin in the opposite direction. If you think all of this would make a great sci-fi disaster movie, Hollywood is already one step ahead. "2012," a special-effects flick starring John Cusack and directed by Roland Emmerich, of "The Day After Tomorrow" fame, is scheduled to be released this fall. The trailer shows a monk running to a bell tower on a mountaintop to sound the alarm as a huge wall of water washes over what appear to be the peaks of the Himalayas.

'Promoting a hoax'

One barometer of the interest in 2012 may be the "Ask an Astrobiologist" section of NASA's Web site, where senior scientist David Morrison answers questions from the public. On a recent visit, more than half of the inquiries on the most popular list were related to 2012. "The purveyors of doom are promoting a hoax," Morrison wrote earlier this month in response to a question from a person who expressed fear about the date.

A scholar who has studied the Maya for 35 years said there is nothing ominous about 2012, despite the hype surrounding claims to the contrary. "I think that the popular books... about what the Maya say is going to happen are really fabricated on the basis of very little evidence," said Anthony Aveni, a professor of astronomy, anthropology and Native American studies at Colgate University. Aveni and Stuart are both writing their own books explaining the Mayan calendar and 2012, but Stuart said he's pessimistic that people will be interested in the real story when so many other books are making sensational claims. Dozens of titles about 2012 have been published and more are scheduled to go on sale in the coming months.

Current offerings include "Apocalypse 2012," in which author Lawrence Joseph outlines "terrible possibilities," such as the potential for natural disaster. But Joseph admits he doesn't think the world is going to end. "I do, however, believe that 2012 will prove to be... a very dramatic and probably transformative year," Joseph said. The author acknowledged he's worried his book's title might scare people, but said he wanted to alert the public about possible dangers ahead. He added that his publisher controls the book's title, though he had no issue with the final choice."If it had been called 'Serious Threats 2012' or 'Profound Considerations for 2012,' it would have never gotten published," Joseph said.

Growing interest

Another author said the doom and gloom approach is a great misunderstanding of 2012. "The trendy doomsday people... should be treated for what they are: under-informed opportunists and alarmists who will move onto other things in 2013," said John Major Jenkins, whose books include "Galactic Alignment" and who describes himself as a self-taught independent Maya scholar. Jenkins said that cycle endings were all about transformation and renewal -- not catastrophe -- for the Maya. He also makes the case that the period they chose coincides with an alignment of the December solstice sun with the center of the Milky Way, as viewed from Earth. "Two thousand years ago the Maya believed that the world would be going through a great transformation when this alignment happened," Jenkins said.

But Aveni said there is no evidence that the Maya cared about this concept of the Milky Way, adding that the galactic center was not defined until the 1950s. "What you have here is a modern age influence [and] modern concepts trying to garb the ancient Maya in modern clothing, and it just doesn't wash for me," Aveni said. Meanwhile, he and other scholars are bracing for growing interest as the date approaches.The whole year leading up to it is going to be just crazy, I'm sorry to say," Stuart said. "I just think it's sad, it really just frustrates me. People are really misunderstanding this really cool culture by focusing on this 2012 thing. It means more about us than it does about the Maya."

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Insight #8 “Blue the hue of creativity? Red for detail?”

By LAURAN NEERGAARD (AP) – February 5, 2009
(Full news release at bottom)

“Red seems to improve attention to detail while blue sparks creativity.”

“Those who saw red backgrounds focused on what to avoid — while those who saw blue went for the creativity”

Real Story, Blue is Unconditional Love, Red is Unceasing Light

Scientific and religious reasons exist why the color blue enhances one’s “creative” ability to perceive the whole picture of life, and why the color red causes one to lose that ability, becoming lost in detail.

Albert Einstein said, “Religion without Science is blind and Science without Religion is lame.” An autistic adult, Einstein, gave out many levels of wisdom in a few words.

Among the levels of wisdom contained in this statement is one that says if those who interpret ancient religious scriptures cannot see how their scriptures agree with modern scientific studies, they are blind and cannot see truth in their own scriptures.

He also says that if modern scientific theories cannot agree with ancient religious scriptures, then science limps along, unable to fully understand life, having to constantly change their theories to agree with their latest scientific studies.

Since religion is blind and science is lame, neither understands the vast amount of wisdom contained in indigenous legends, that are really scriptures that combine religion and science.

There is a 900 year old Hopi Native American Ascension, (or “Rapture”), legend that describes during the “End Times”, the “one hearts” will travel to a “blue sun”, and leave the “two hearts” behind with their “red sun”.

Let us examine this prophecy using both modern scientific studies and ancient scriptures. Science has now proven that in the electro-magnetic energy spectrum, the color blue has the highest frequency level energies while red has the lowest.

Science has also proven there are only electro-magnetic energies in our universe, but science has not yet perceived that their “electro-magnetic energies” are actually the energies of Unceasing Electric Light and Unconditional Magnetic Love.

Blue electro-magnetic energy consists of high levels of Unconditional Love, while red electro-magnetic energy is comprised of high levels of Unceasing Light.

Unconditional Love is left brain blue energy oriented toward wisdom, insights and creativity, while the energy of Unceasing Light is right brain red energy, oriented toward logic, facts and details.

Nine hundred years ago, as discussed in the “Revelations” CDs, a Scottish born Knights Templar, (the 9th incarnation of Jesus), became known as Quetzalcoatl, and taught people of the New World many things.

He also prophesized how, during the solar sun spot cycle that ends 2012, the “one hearts”, (Enlightened Spiritual Adepts and Enlightened Autistic Children using Whole Brain Thinking), will ascend, to the “Promised Land of Unconditional Love” as prophesized in the scriptures of Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism.

And so it is that Whole Brain Thinking “One Hearts” will ascend. However, the “Two Hearts”, “normal” individuals who use their left and right brains separately, only half a brain at a time, those who have become so detail oriented that they read scriptures literally and are judgmental toward others. Such people will be left behind.

A vast number of ancient secrets from Knights Templar documents about the “True Jesus”, not the Roman Empire’s “fake Jesus” are online at The “Revelations” CDs and a DVD by the Guardians of Ancient Knowledge about the true history of humanity is available at

Blue the hue of creativity? Red for detail?
By LAURAN NEERGAARD (AP) – Feb. 5, 2009

WASHINGTON (AP) — We learn from toddlerhood that red means danger — so should we use red ink for medication warnings? And if blue signals the freedom of open skies, how about brainstorming in a room painted blue?

Maybe so, says new research into how the brain reacts to colors: Red seems to improve attention to detail while blue sparks creativity.

"People are not aware of this effect at all," marvels lead researcher Juliet Zhu of the University of British Columbia, who studies how environmental cues affect behavior.

The subconscious effect of color is a hot area of psychology research, in part because marketers try to use color to hook us on whatever they're trying to sell.

And the newest research, published Thursday by the journal Science, suggests they'd better be careful — because red or blue can spark very different brain reactions depending on the task involved.

The study put college students through a series of cognitive tests, most involving computer screens colored either red or blue. Both colors could enhance performance but in very different ways.

Students memorized more words when the list was on a red screen, for instance. Told to think of different uses for a brick, those shown a red screen listed practical things like "build a house" while those who saw blue got more creative with "make a paperweight' and "build a pet scratching post."

When they rated ads, those who saw red backgrounds focused on what to avoid — they liked toothpaste that stressed cavity-fighting over tooth-whitening — while those who saw blue went for the creativity of a camera ad that showed travel images instead of touting the zoom lens.

Because we learn early that red means to avoid danger, maybe it's slowing us down in detail-oriented tasks so we can do them better — things like memorizing, proofreading, reading warning labels, concluded Zhu, an assistant marketing professor, and co-author Ravi Mehta.

But people associate blue with sky, freedom, peace, maybe sparking a feeling of exploration than in turn enhances creativity.

"It's really this learned association with these colors that drive these different motivations," Zhu said.

If the findings are right, the creativity discovery could be a big advance — no one's ever made such a link, said Andrew Elliot of the University of Rochester, a leader in the field of color psychology.

But he had a big caution: The study focused on hue without properly taking into account the intensity and brightness of the colors, meaning it should be repeated to be sure.

Most color research has focused on red, finding, for example, that it makes good sports uniforms because it's intimidating. Elliot found red is truly a good Valentine's color, making men consider women more sexually attractive than other colors do.

But how the brain reacts depends on the question you ask, Elliot said. When he flashed red at students before an IQ test or exam he found it undermines performance, maybe making them think of the failure that a teacher's red pen marks evoke.

That doesn't contradict Zhu's results, Elliot cautioned — proofreading or memorizing is more detail-oriented than a big exam.

The bottom line: "What color research shows is our behavior is driven by things we aren't aware of, by things we see on a regular basis," he said. "It's important to know, so when one sees red one can maybe try to counteract the natural tendency to make mistakes and fail."

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Seventh Insight “The Vatican Slams Obama over Abortion”

By JEFF ISRAELY TIME Monday, Jan. 26, 2009
(Full news release at bottom)

“Archbishop Rino Fisichella, head of the Pontifical Academy for Life, who is considered close to Pope Benedict XVI, told the newspaper that the repeal of the abortion-funding ban was done with "the arrogance of those who, having power, think they can decide between life and death."”

“Obama's Reversal Of American Abortion Aid Policy Reaches Into African Slums”
CBS News and AP: NAIROBI, Kenya, Jan. 31, 2009
(Full news release at bottom)

“Its critics call(ed) it the "global gag rule," because it prohibit(ed) funding for groups that lobby to legalize abortion or promote it as a family planning method. That can affect a range of services provided by private groups on a continent where governments can meet few of their citizens' health needs.”

““She said, groups that could have helped distribute the condoms the U.S. was supplying to fight AIDS were denied funding because of their stance on abortion. But the laws have simply pushed abortions into back rooms instead of ending the practice, 300,000 Kenyan women seek dangerous, illegal abortions each year.””

“Clinics serving over 1.5 million women closed in Kenya. Contraceptive availability in Zambia was reduced. AIDS programs run by family planning groups in Ethiopia were affected. "We are struggling with poverty, health issues, even hunger," he said. "We should let families decide for themselves how many children to have."”

Real Story, “Vatican fears the Truth - a Fetus has no Soul”

Obama knows the truth, a Human Soul doesn’t enter a human physical body until a baby’s first breath. An unborn human fetus has no Soul, a fact that the pope knows!

An aborted fetus has no soul, a fact proven by the Vatican’s own records

Finally, the demonic, religious “Pale Horse Rider” George Bush has left office.

Finally, the world has Obama, the humane, spiritual “Black Horse Rider”.

Of course, demonic Christian conservatives like Rino, the pope and Bush are angry.

Having been inside the Vatican, beneath the Vatican, and invited by the Pope’s bodyguard to a special Mass, I can tell you that former Cardinal Ratzinger in charge of Inquisitions, who is now the Pope, does fear Obama and as the “Red Horse Rider”, he greatly fears the release of additional hidden Vatican secrets by an “insider”.

When the Vatican’s “insider” “misfiled” a “secret document” in the Vatican’s public library, “Ratzo” feared other documents were also “misfiled” and quickly ordered the library closed, so all public files could be examined. Suddenly, the Vatican declared all floors of the huge and previously “open” Vatican Library had to be immediately closed, for an extended period of time, to do some “repairs”.

Nine hundred year old Knights Templar documents and 3,500 year old scrolls from the Ark of the Covenant are secretly hidden in the Vatican’s vast network of basement vaults. These documents specifically state the Soul of a permanent Heavenly Angelic Light Body connects to a temporary earthly physical body with a baby’s first breath.

A new DVD in April vividly describes exactly how our permanent Human Angelic Light Body, (called a “Holy Spirit” by the Vatican), continues to reincarnate into temporary human earthly physical bodies until one attains sainthood and becomes an Angelic Ascended Master or fully graduates as an Archangelic Ascended Master.

A vast number of ancient secrets from Knights Templar documents about the “True Jesus”, not the Roman Empire’s “fake Jesus” are online at The “True Jesus” book and DVD by the Guardians of Ancient Knowledge give one the true history of humanity, available only at

Full News Release
“The Vatican Slams Obama over Abortion”
By JEFF ISRAELY TIME Monday, Jan. 26, 2009
President Obama is probably not itching for a fight over abortion. But he might get one. With unusual speed, the Vatican has condemned Obama's Jan. 23 repeal of the ban on U.S. funding for foreign family-planning aid groups that offer abortion services. The repeal fulfills a campaign promise Obama made to pro-choice supporters. But if the late-Friday-afternoon signing was an attempt to get the change in under the radar, it didn't work. Top Vatican officials, usually hesitant to respond directly to Washington's domestic-policy decisions, pounced quickly. By Saturday afternoon, the Holy See was e-mailing reporters the Sunday edition of its official daily, L'Osservatore Romano, which features a front-page headline describing Obama's decision as "very disappointing." (Read "Shhh. Obama Repeals the Abortion Gag Rule, Very Quietly.")

The same day, the secular Milan daily Corriere della Sera published an interview with a top Vatican official lashing out at the new U.S. President. Archbishop Rino Fisichella, head of the Pontifical Academy for Life, told the newspaper that the repeal of the abortion-funding ban was done with "the arrogance of those who, having power, think they can decide between life and death." Troubled by the swiftness of Obama's pro-choice move, Fisichella brushed off earlier vows by the new President to try to cut the number of abortions while ensuring a woman's access to the procedure. "On ethical questions, you can't play with words," said the Italian Archbishop, who is considered close to Pope Benedict XVI. "Hiding behind sophisms isn't worthy of he who has a responsibility towards citizens. People want clarity."

It's too early to predict a deep rupture in U.S.-Vatican relations. There was no mention of the issue in Sunday's regular Angelus ceremony, and the Pope personally sent warm messages of congratulations to Obama after both his election victory and the Inauguration. But don't count on Benedict staying silent as Obama ushers in more liberal laws for abortion or stem-cell research. If he does speak out, the Pope is likely to use his representatives in America. The front-page Sunday story in L'Osservatore Romano focused on the U.S. bishops' response to the abortion-rights decree. A recent video advertisement being aired by puts Obama in the middle of the abortion debate, implying that the future President, an African American raised by a single mother, was himself at risk of being aborted.
Benedict knows that abortion is legal and widely available throughout the West, including virtually every country in Europe. It is the most glaring sign for the Pope of what he describes as the moral failings of contemporary life. But in the U.S., Benedict sees fertile possibility to challenge the status quo. On his trip to Washington and New York last April, Benedict heard how Catholics in America are being reinvigorated by a steady flow of more-traditional immigrant Catholic groups. That matters. Fisichella concluded his interview by saying, "What happens in the U.S. influences other parts of the world. For this [its leaders] must be capable of listening, having humility and maybe even asking others for help."

Obama won a majority of Catholic voters, in part because he was able to convince them that he was both the right man to lead the country and generally in tune with their values. In his public speeches and private diplomacy, Benedict will use his notable intellect to reaffirm for American Catholics what those values are. It would be a chance to influence abortion legislation both in the U.S. and around the world. On abortion, in other words, Benedict might be itching for a fight with Obama. If so, the new President will have to work hard to keep from getting bruised.

Obama's Reversal Of American Abortion Aid Policy Reaches Into African Slums - NAIROBI, Kenya, Jan. 31, 2009

(AP) Nairobi's sprawling Kibera slum is far from America but not from America's battle over abortion.

Aid workers and experts say President Barack Obama's decision to allow aid money to flow again to international groups that offer abortion counseling will help restart programs desperately needed in Africa, the continent hardest hit by a so-called "gag rule."

Dr. Walter Odhiambo, the country director for Marie Stopes Kenya, said his family planning organization had been limping along on European aid because of the U.S. rule Obama overturned on Jan. 23 in one of his first presidential acts. Now, Odhiambo said, he would be applying for U.S. funds he hoped to use to expand counseling and other services, particularly in rural Kenya.

"Family planning was not given the prominence it needs," Odhiambo said.

The policy banned U.S. government money from going to international family planning groups that either offer abortions or provide information, counseling or referrals about abortion. Its critics call it the "global gag rule," because it prohibits funding for groups that lobby to legalize abortion or promote it as a family planning method. That can affect a range of services provided by private groups on a continent where governments can meet few of their citizens' health needs.

"The biggest impact has been in sub-Saharan Africa," said Wendy Turnbull, a researcher for Washington-based Population Action International, which lobbies on family planning issues and applauded Obama's move.

Turnbull applauded the Bush administration for spending millions to fight AIDS and other health threats in Africa, but said the gag rule undermined that effort.

For instance, she said, groups that could have helped distribute the condoms the U.S. was supplying to fight AIDS were denied funding because of their stance on abortion.

"When you are making rules, it's not right to just look at the immediate effects," said Nkandu Luo, a Zambian former minister of health who currently heads her country's independent Society for Women and AIDS. "It's important to look at the long-term implications."

A study by the Washington-based Center for Reproductive Rights said the policy hit hardest in Africa, the fastest growing and poorest continent. Latin Americans and Asians were more likely to accept the ban and keep funding, either because they embraced its intent or relied more on U.S. money, the study concluded.

Clinics serving over 1.5 million women closed in Kenya, homeland of Obama's father, said Marie Stopes Kenya and Family Health Options Kenya. Contraceptive availability in Zambia was reduced. AIDS programs run by family planning groups in Ethiopia were affected.

Even without the U.S. policy, abortions would be controversial here. They are illegal in almost all African countries, many of which have conservative Christian or Muslim populations ... one of the reasons women interviewed about their abortions declined to give their full names.

But the laws have simply pushed abortions into back rooms instead of ending the practice.

Marie Stopes Kenya, which does not offer abortions, closed two slum clinics after losing its USAID funding because of its association with Marie Stopes International, one of the world's largest family planning organizations.

Odhiambo, the country director for Marie Stopes Kenya, said it was likely that women who would have used his group's contraceptive services became pregnant instead and joined the 300,000 Kenyan women that Marie Stopes says seek dangerous, illegal abortions each year.

Two years ago, Joyce and her cousin Carolyne went to a Kibera slum clinic for a contraceptive injection. Because supplies were low, the doctor shared one between the two. Joyce, then a shy 18-year-old high school student, became pregnant. Her boyfriend deserted her and she had an illegal abortion.

"The fetus came out but she did not stop bleeding," ecalled 29-year-old Carolyne. By the light of a small kerosene lamp, the two women used every sheet and towel in Carolyne's small house to try to stop the blood. Joyce spent the night twisting in pain on the floor, crying out for God to forgive her and screaming for her mother.

At dawn the two women went to a government hospital and had to plead with doctors to treat Joyce without informing police of the abortion.

Dr. Louis Machogo, the pharmacist for another Kenyan family planning group, said politicians may not understand the dilemmas that their policies forced on poor families.

"We are struggling with poverty, health issues, even hunger," he said. "We should let families decide for themselves how many children to have."

The U.S. ban was established by Republican President Ronald Reagan in 1984, ended by Democrat Bill Clinton in 1993 and reinstated by Republican George W. Bush in 2001.

"We now have a challenge, as the representatives of women's groups, (to) make sure that even if we have another president from the Republican party, we don't go back to this rule," said Luo, the ex-minister. "We shouldn't just sit back and celebrate. We need to go out and campaign and get the Republicans to realize the impact of these decisions."

Associated Press Writer Donna Bryson in Johannesburg, South Africa contributed to this report.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Sixth Insight “Spirituality, Not Religion, Makes Kids Happy”

January 12, 2009; By LiveScience Staff

“The link between spirituality and happiness is pretty well-established for teens and adults. More spirituality brings more happiness. Now a study has reached into the younger set, finding the same link in "tweens" and in kids in middle childhood.

However, religious practices were found to have little effect on children's happiness, Holder said.

Religion is just one institutionalized venue for the practice of or experience of spirituality, and some people say they are spiritual but are less enthusiastic about the concept of God.

The Real Story, Spirituality, Not Religion, Makes Kids Happy

WOW! A headline containing the “Real Story”!

WOW! An open minded study combining left brain wisdom and right brain logic!

WOW! Scientific proof that open-minded people leave close-minded religions to find spirituality. Scientific proof that one must leave their “religion, church, temple or mosque” in order to find a “sense of connectedness to the sacred or divine”.

As stated in my 2005 “Last Call Lecture”, and book, the Old Testament does contain a wealth of spiritual wisdom but it is beyond the comprehension of today’s spiritually immature, closed-minded Catholic priests, Protestant pastors and Jewish rabbis.

Religion’s version of God having human body seems ridiculous even to young children, and any child studying science quickly realizes only close-minded religious zealots actually think that the sun was created in a 24 hour day.

As a direct descendant of the Davidic lineage, let me tell you the family secret that Jesus and Solomon taught Enlightened Spiritual Adepts and Autistic Children who with their “ears that hear and eyes that see” are able to perceive 4th dimensional energies moving 60 times faster than the “speed of light”.

The bible states the sun was created in one day. This is a statement that confuses doctors of divinity, priests, pastors and common religious people. A statement that also causes scientists to become atheists and others to become agnostics.

Fortunately, my family’s 10,000 years of records understand the whole story of creation. My family’s records explain that this event is when the 11th dimensional energies of our galaxy gave birth to our 10th dimensional sun.

As stated in my 2005 lecture, and written in Knights Templar documents secretly hidden in the Vatican’s multi-levels of basement vaults, the first 4 days of creation refer to the manifestation and creation of the 10th to 13th dimensions.

As stated in my family records, 2,000 year old scientific papers, the Old Testament and agreed upon by young scientists, the speed of light varies by multiples of 60 between dimensional levels. Thus, one 4th dimensional day equals 60 3rd dimensional days and one 10th dimension “Sun Day” equals 8 billion years of 3rd dimensional days.

A vast number of ancient secrets from Knights Templar documents about the “True Jesus”, not the Roman Empire’s “fake Jesus” are online at A book on the “True Jesus” and a DVD by the Guardians of Ancient Knowledge about the true history of humanity is available at

Full News Release
“Spirituality, Not Religion, Makes Kids Happy”
January 12, 2009; By LiveScience Staff

The link between spirituality and happiness is pretty well-established for teens and adults. More spirituality brings more happiness. Now a study has reached into the younger set, finding the same link in "tweens" and in kids in middle childhood.

Specifically, the study shows that children who feel that their lives have meaning and value and who develop deep, quality relationships — both measures of spirituality, the researchers claim — are happier.

Personal aspects of spirituality (meaning and value in one's own life) and communal aspects (quality and depth of inter-personal relationships) were both strong predictors of children's happiness, said study leader Mark Holder from the University of British Columbia in Canada and his colleagues Ben Coleman and Judi Wallace.

However, religious practices were found to have little effect on children's happiness, Holder said.
Religion is just one institutionalized venue for the practice of or experience of spirituality, and some people say they are spiritual but are less enthusiastic about the concept of God.

Other research has shown a connection between well-adjusted and well-behaved children and religion, but that is not the same, necessarily, as happiness.

Spirituality trumps temperament

In an effort to identify strategies to increase children's happiness, Holder and colleagues set out to better understand the nature of the relationship between spirituality, religiousness and happiness in children aged 8 to 12 years.

A total of 320 children, from four public schools and two faith-based schools, completed six different questionnaires to rate their happiness, their spirituality, their religiousness and their temperament. Parents were also asked to rate their child's happiness and temperament.

A child's temperament was also an important predictor of happiness. In particular, happier children were more sociable and less shy. The relationship between spirituality and happiness remained strong, even when the authors took temperament into account.

However, counterintuitively, religious practices — including attending church, praying and meditating — had little effect on a child's happiness.

And therein may lie some useful information for parents.

"Enhancing personal meaning may be a key factor in the relation between spirituality and happiness," the researchers stated. Strategies aimed at increasing personal meaning in children — such as expressing kindness towards others and recording these acts of kindness, as well as acts of altruism and volunteering — may help to make children happier, Holder suggests.

These findings were detailed in the Dec. 11 online edition of the Journal of Happiness Studies.

More on teens and spirituality

Another research project recently added weight to previously known links between spirituality and happiness among teens.

This researchers compared teenagers with the inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) with their healthy peers. The analysis showed that while spirituality helped all the kids cope, it was especially helpful for the ones with IBD (which causes abdominal pain and other nasty symptoms, as well as higher risk for psychosocial difficulties and mental health problems; it is more serious than and not the same as IBS or spastic colon). The exact cause of IBD is not known, and there is no cure.

The researchers, Dr. Michael Yi and Sian Cotton at the University of Cincinnati, defined spirituality as one's sense of meaning or purpose in life or one's sense of connectedness to the sacred or divine. Again, they weren't talking about religion, church, temple or mosque.

Teams led by Yi and Cotton collected data on socio-demographics, functional health status and psychosocial characteristics as well as spiritual well-being for 67 patients with IBD and 88 healthy adolescents between the ages of 11 and 19.

One of the most important predictors of poorer overall quality of life for both the healthy and the sick teens was having a poorer sense of spiritual well-being, Yi said, although personal characteristics such as self esteem, family functioning and social support were similar between adolescents with IBD and their healthy peers.

Cotton's analysis of the same 155 adolescents found that higher levels of spiritual well-being were associated with fewer depressive symptoms and better emotional well-being.

"However, even though both healthy adolescents and those with IBD had relatively high levels of spiritual well-being, the positive association between spiritual well-being and mental health outcomes was stronger in the adolescents with IBD as compared to their healthy peers," Cotton said, noting that this indicates spiritual well-being may play a different role for teens with a chronic illness in terms of impacting their health or helping them cope.

The results were detailed in recent online versions of the Journal of Pediatrics and the Journal of Adolescent Health. Yi's and Cotton's research was funded by career development awards by the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development, part of the National Institutes of Health

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fifth Insight "Obama's Nonbeliever Nod Unsettles Some"

January 23, 2009 MELINDA HENNENBERGER AOL news
(Full Text of News Release at Bottom)

“Bishop E.W. Jackson of the Exodus Faith Ministries in Chesapeake, Va. was a guest on the popular conservative Christian radio show 'Janet Parshall's America” and said that “Obama crossed the line in suggesting that all faiths (and none) were different roads to the same destination”

“Rev Cecil Blye, pastor of More Grace Ministries Church in Louisville, Ky., said the president's reference to nonbelievers also set off major alarm bells for him "It's important to understand the heritage of our country, and it's a Judeo-Christian tradition,"’ period.”

The Real Story, America’s Founders were not “Judeo-Christians”

America was founded by spiritual God loving men!
America was not founded by Protestants who know nothing.
America was not founded by religious God fearing Christians!

As proven in the Encyclopedia Britannica, the first 6 American presidents were not Judeo-Christians. America was founded by spiritual God loving men who knew the truth about Jesus and that the Roman Christian church’s bible was based upon the words of the same false prophet that Jesus had warned people about.

The conservative Pharisee named “Paul”, whose words make up most of the New Testament is the false prophet Jesus warned people about as described and proven in the first of the “Revelations” series of CDs.

Conservative Judeo-Christians use bigotry, fear and religious dogma to continue their wealthy economic lifestyles. Jesus was a heavenly spiritual liberal, not a demonic religious conservative.

My ancestors taught America’s founders and America’s first 6 presidents, the ancient secrets about bible codes, creation, Hinduism and Christianity. My ancestors also taught Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, the story of how and when Jesus came to America, as fully described in the 6th CD of the “Revelations” series.

My ancestors helped create the original Great Seal of the United States and taught America’s founders the ancient Davidic lineage secrets about “God’s Eye” and the “Pyramid” printed on the back of the American dollar bill.

The Revelations series of CDs is available at

Secret Truths about the “True Jesus”, not “Rome’s fake Jesus” are now online at . A book on the “True Jesus” and a DVD by the Guardians of Ancient Knowledge about the true history of humanity is also available at

Full News Release
Obama's Nonbeliever Nod Unsettles Some
January 23, 2009 MELINDA HENNENBERGER AOL news

(Jan. 23) - Not everyone was happy with President Barack Obama's nod to nonbelievers and non-Christians in his inaugural address.
And some of the stiff criticism about Obama’s religious inclusiveness is coming from
African-American Christians who maintain that no, all faiths were actually not created equal.

"For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness," the new president said. "We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this earth," he also said. Nothing too controversial, proclaiming that America's strength lies in its diversity.

But between those two statements, the new president got specific:
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and nonbelievers."

By mentioning, for the first time in an inaugural address, the 16.1 percent of Americans who check "no"’ when asked about religion, Obama turned it into the most controversial line in his speech -- praised by The New York Times editorial board and cited by some Christians as evidence that he is a heretic, and in his well-spoken way, a serious threat.

With that one line, the president "seems to be trying to redefine American culture, which is distinctively Christian," said’ Bishop E.W. Jackson of the Exodus Faith Ministries in Chesapeake, Va. "The overwhelming majority of Americans identify as Christians, and what disturbs me is that he seems to be trying to redefine who we are.’"

Earlier this week, Jackson was a guest on the popular conservative Christian radio show 'Janet Parshall's America,' where a succession of callers, many of whom identified themselves as African-American, said they shared the concern, and were perplexed and put off by the president’s shout-out to nonbelievers.

Marshall noted that atheists were celebrating the unexpected mention, and indeed they were: "In his inaugural address … President Barack Obama did what many before him should have done, rightly citing the great diversity of America as part of the nation's great strength, and including 'nonbelievers'’ in that mix,’" said Ed Buckner of American Atheists.
"His mother would have been proud,"’ Buckner said, referring to the fact that Obama’s mother was not a church-goer. "And so are we."

Jackson said he and others have no problem acknowledging that "this country is one in which everybody has the freedom to think what they want.’" Yet Obama crossed the line, in his view, in suggesting that all faiths (and none) were different roads to the same destination: "He made similar remarks in the campaign, and said, 'We are no longer a Christian nation, if we ever were. We are a Jewish, Hindu and non-believing nation.'"

Not so, Jackson says: "Obviously, Jewish heritage is very much a part of Christianity; the Jewish Bible is part of our Bible. But Hindu, Muslim, and nonbelievers? I don't think so. We are not a Muslim nation or a nonbelieving nation."’

With all the focus on Obama as the first African-American president, the succession of black callers to Janet Parshall's show was a reminder that the "community"’ is not a monolith, and that many socially conservative black Americans are at odds with Obama's views, particularly on abortion and gay rights. Nor do they all define civil rights in the same way.

The Rev Cecil Blye, pastor of More Grace Ministries Church in Louisville, Ky., said the president's reference to nonbelievers also set off major alarm bells for him "It's important to understand the heritage of our country, and it's a Judeo-Christian tradition,"’ period.

But his even bigger beef with the president, he said, is that a disproportionate number of "black kids are dying each day through abortion. President Obama is supportive of abortion, and that's a genocide on black folks. Nobody wants to talk about that as a civil rights issue."

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Fourth Insight “Brains of Autistic Slower to React to Sounds”

December 1, 2008 By Andrew Stern CHICAGO (Reuters)
(Full Text of News Release at Bottom)

“Roberts and his colleagues had 30 autistic children age 6 to 15 listen to a battery of sounds and syllables while monitoring the tiny magnetic fields produced by the brain's electrical impulses. The test employed a technique, called magnetoencephalography (MEG), in which a helmet-like device is used to detect and locate brain activity.”

The Real Story, Autistic Children’s Brains are “Super Normal”

The brains of Autistic Children are far more complex than science has discovered. Science cannot even tell us what happens to us when our body sleeps, so parents, please do not be confused by misleading theories derived from invasive tests.

Invasive magnetic energies were used on young children. The “MEG” process disrupts the magnetic-electric Whole Brain Thinking abilities in the brains of “super normal” Autistic Children and Spiritual Adepts, but does not disrupt the electric-magnetic information processing used by the brains of “normal” children and adults.

Fortunately young scientists, like João Magueijo, (professor of theoretical physics at London’s Imperial College), are beginning to comprehend the faster than light energies in the brains of Enlightened Autistic Children and Spiritual Adepts.

The “Enlightened” minds of “Super Normal” Autistic Children process information 60 times faster than a “normal” person

Ancient techniques taught to autistic children, like the autistic Jesus and the autistic Thoth Hermes Trimegistus, are part of the Miracle of Autism Retreats.

Information about the amazing Miracle of Autism Retreats is available by emailing Our first Miracle of Autism Retreat is February 20-22, 2009 in Tingwick, Quebec, Canada.

Full News Release
Brains of autistic slower to react to sounds
December 1, 2008 By Andrew Stern CHICAGO (Reuters)

CHICAGO (Reuters) – The brains of autistic children react to sounds a fraction of a second slower than those of normal children, which may help explain the communication problems associated with autism, researchers said on Monday.

"What this does is it provides strong supporting evidence for the emerging theory that autism is a problem of connectivity in the brain," said Timothy Roberts, vice chairman of research in the Department of Radiology at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Roberts and his colleagues had 30 autistic children age 6 to 15 listen to a battery of sounds and syllables while monitoring the tiny magnetic fields produced by the brain's electrical impulses.

The test employed a technique, called magnetoencephalography (MEG), in which a helmet-like device is used to detect and locate brain activity. Only around one hundred devices exist that can monitor the tiny magnetic fields, Roberts said in a telephone interview.

In comparison to the tenth of a second response time in the brains of normal children in the study, the autistic children's brains were anywhere from 20 percent to 50 percent slower to react.

Since a single syllable in a multisyllable word might take less than one-quarter of a second to say, Roberts said 1/20th of a second extra delay in the response time of the brains of autistic children may hamper their ability to comprehend.

"There could be abnormal routing or a lack of connectivity in the brain," he said in a telephone interview. "It may be like a highway with traffic making it hard to get through."

"We think this (delay) is a signature or a biomarker that could be used to stratify autism patients," since autism is a spectrum of disorders that afflicts people to vastly different degrees, he said.

Microscopic examination of the brain tissue of people with autism has shown there may be fewer connections between their brain cells, said Roberts, who presented his findings at a meeting of the Radiological Society of North America.

Brain scans performed by the more frequently used magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography are not detailed enough to detect such microscopic differences in brain cell connections. Such scans have not found structural or size differences between autistic and normal brains.

Autism, which is characterized by difficulty interacting with others and sometimes repetitive behaviors, occurs in about one in 150 U.S. children, a rate that has climbed since the 1980s.

Children are usually diagnosed with autism only after they reach age 2 years or older and Roberts said the hope is that MEG could diagnose children as young as 1 year, so therapy could begin earlier and perhaps be monitored to evaluate the results on the brain.

MEG can cost roughly $400 an hour to perform, but it is harmless and could become less expensive if more devices were available. MEG is used currently to help locate brain tumors and to diagnose epilepsy.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Third Insight: “Pope likens "saving" gays to saving the rainforest”

Mon Dec 22, 2008, Phil Stewart, Reuters UK
(Full Text of News Release at Bottom)

“Pope Benedict said on Monday that saving humanity from homosexual behavior was just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction.”

“The Catholic Church teaches that while homosexuality is not sinful, homosexual acts are. It opposes gay marriage and, in October, a leading Vatican official called homosexuality "a deviation, an irregularity, a wound."”

The Real Story, Today’s Religions have Lost their Spirituality

This announcement by Pope Benedict, (former Cardinal Ratzinger, head of the Office of Inquisitions), clearly demonstrates, once again, that religion discriminates and strives to curtail individual free will decision making.

Question: What type of religious person compares the Soul of a human being to trees that have no Souls?

Answer: A person who is either extremely spiritually immature, or a very devious individual who is making comparisons based upon what they know is false dogma.

Question: When individuals begin to make free will choices in life, what group of people tries to interfere with free will decision making?

Answer: Spiritually immature religious zealots. The interference in the free will decision making of others is proof of a religion’s de-evolution from the heavenly heights of spiritual truths down to the demonic depths of religious dogmas.

Conservative Christians travel the world promoting hidden economic agendas and use deliberate misinterpretations of Jesus’ words. Conservative Christians have forsaken Jesus’ spiritual path in life for ego gratification and earthly rewards.

Do not be mislead in these End Times. As one of the direct descendents of Jesus, I can tell you from our family’s records, that Jesus was pro-gay rights and pro-choice. This is the reason why 40,000 Christian priests, pastors and the pope refused to debate me.

Fortunately, you now have a choice, there is the recently discovered “Gospel of Judas” to read along with the “Gospel of Mary” and the “Gospel of Thomas” to give one a better understanding of the True Jesus’ actual words, and also our website.

We seek other descendants. A free on-line sound test is at Your reaction to 4 words will tell you immediately if you are a direct descendant of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. In addition, the Whole Brain Thinking Techniques taught by Jesus are now being sent to people at no charge from our website.
Secret Truths about the “True Jesus”, not “Rome’s fake Jesus” are now online at . A book on the “True Jesus” and a DVD by the Guardians of Ancient Knowledge about the true history of humanity is also available at

Full News Release
Pope likens "saving" gays to saving the rainforest
Mon Dec 22, 2008, Phil Stewart, Reuters UK

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Benedict said on Monday that saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behavior was just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction.

"(The Church) should also protect man from the destruction of himself. A sort of ecology of man is needed," the pontiff said in a holiday address to the Curia, the Vatican's central administration.

"The tropical forests do deserve our protection. But man, as a creature, does not deserve any less."

The Catholic Church teaches that while homosexuality is not sinful, homosexual acts are. It opposes gay marriage and, in October, a leading Vatican official called homosexuality "a deviation, an irregularity, a wound."

The pope said humanity needed to "listen to the language of creation" to understand the intended roles of man and woman. He compared behavior beyond traditional heterosexual relations as "a destruction of God's work."

He also defended the Church's right to "speak of human nature as man and woman, and ask that this order of creation be respected."

Second Insight "Faster than the Speed of Light"

January 6, 2009 by Casey Kazan From
(Full Text of News Release at Bottom)

“A brilliant young physicist João Magueijo asks the heretical question: What if the speed of light—now accepted as one of the unchanging foundations of modern physics—were not constant?”

“He is a pioneer of the varying speed of light (VSL) theory of cosmology - an alternative to the more mainstream theory of cosmic inflation- which proposes that the speed of light in the early universe was of 60 orders of magnitude faster than its present value.”

The Real Story, a 60 to 1 ratio exists between all dimension levels

Albert Einstein was correct.
João Magueijo is also correct.

My Family’s 10,000 years of records state:
  1. The Speed of Light is constant within each dimension.
  2. The Speed of Light increases at a 60 to 1 ratio between dimensions.
  3. The Speed of Light varies by a 60 to 1 ratio between the earlier created 4th dimension of Human Light Bodies and later created 3rd dimension of human physical bodies.
A new DVD, “Raising Organic Food to a New Level” premiers in April, 2009. DVD shows João Magueijo’s 60 to 1 Speed of Light ratio is correct, as written about in the Old Testament and within the ancient books of Indian libraries.

New DVD explains mystery surrounding the University of Geneva’s 2008 experiment, when energy was measured moving over 10,000 times the Speed of Light.

DVD also vividly demonstrates how faster than Light energies can be used to transform the life force energies in organic food into healing energies.

A Guardians of Ancient Knowledge DVD, the “Revelations” CDs and a series of books contain 10,000 years of one family’s history revealing the actual history of humanity. See the ancient African symbol and read precise descriptions of the 12 dimensional levels of our universe,

Full News Release

“Faster than the Speed of Light?”

January 6, 2009 by Casey Kazan From

A brilliant young physicist João Magueijo asks the heretical question: What if the speed of light—now accepted as one of the unchanging foundations of modern physics—were not constant?

Magueijo, a 40-year old native of Portugal, puts forth the heretical idea that in the very early days of the universe light traveled faster—an idea that if proven could dethrone Einstein and forever change our understanding of the universe. He is a pioneer of the varying speed of light (VSL) theory of cosmology -an alternative to the more mainstream theory of cosmic inflation- which proposes that the speed of light in the early universe was of 60 orders of magnitude faster than its present value.

Solving the most intractable problems of cosmology in one brilliant leap, Magueijo’s varying-speed-of-light theory (VSL) would have stunning implications for space travel, black holes, time dilation, and string theory—and could help uncover the grand unified theory that ultimately eluded Einstein.

Joao Magueijo's radical ideas intend to turn that Einsteinian dogma on its head. Marueijo is trying to pick apart one of Einstein’s most impenetrable tenets, the constancy of the speed of light. This idea of a constant speed (about 3×106 meters/second) -is known as the universal speed limit. Nothing can, has, or ever will travel faster than light.

Magueijo -who received his doctorate from Cambridge, has been a faculty member at Princeton and Cambridge, and is currently a professor at Imperial College, London- says: not so. His VSL theory presupposes a speed of light that can be energy or time-space dependent.

In his fist book, Faster than the Speed of Light, Magueijo leads laymen readers into the abstract realm of theoretical physics, based on several well known, as well as obscure, thinkers. The VSL model was first proposed by John Moffat, a Canadian scientist, in 1992. Magueijo carefully builds the foundations for a discussion of Big Bang cosmology, and then segues into the second half of the book, which is devoted to VSL theory.

Like most radical, potentially seminal thinkers, Magueijo shakes the foundations of the physics community, while irritating off many of his fellow scientists. VSL purposes to solve the problems at which all cosmologists are forever scratching: those inscrutable conceptual puzzles that surround the Big Bang. Currently many of these problems have no widely accepted solutions.

Could Einstein be wrong and Magueijo right? Is he a gadfly or a true, seminal genius? Time will tell.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Ancient Insights and the Real Story behind News Headlines

“Catholics ordered to keep quiet over Virgin visions”

By Jerome Taylor and Simon Caldwell
Tuesday, 13 January 2009 The Independent UK
(Full Text of News Release is at Bottom of article)

“Catholics who claim they have seen the Virgin Mary will be forced to remain silent about the apparitions until a team of psychologists, theologians, priests and exorcists have fully investigated their claims under new Vatican guidelines aimed at stamping out false claims of miracles.”

“The visionaries will then be visited by a team of psychiatrists, either atheists or Catholics, to certify their mental health while theologians will assess the content of any heavenly messages to see if they contravene Church teachings.”

The Real Story is the Pope fears the Truth about Fatima

“The 3 Secrets of Fatima”

from Wikipedia Encyclopedia with information from Encountering Mary by Sandra L. Zimdars-Swartz

“The Three Secrets of Fátima consist of a series of visions and prophecies claimed to be given by an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to three young Portuguese shepherds, Lúcia dos Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto, on July 13, 1917. The three children claimed to have been visited by a Marian apparition six times between May and October 1917. The apparition is now popularly known as Our Lady of Fátima.

On July 13, around noon, the lady is said to have entrusted the children with three secrets. Two of the secrets were revealed in 1941 in a document written by Lúcia, at the request of José da Silva, Bishop of Leiria, to assist with the publication of a new edition of a book on Jacinta. When asked by the Bishop of Leiria in 1943 to reveal the secret, Lúcia struggled for a short period, being "not yet convinced that God had clearly authorized her to act." However, in October of 1943 the bishop of Leiria ordered her to put it in writing. Lucia then wrote the secret down and sealed it in an envelope not to be opened until 1960, when "it will appear clearer." The text of the third secret was officially released by Pope John Paul II in 2000, although some claim that it was not the real secret revealed by Lucia, despite assertions from the Vatican to the contrary.”

Why 1960?

In 1960, Jesus’ 10th incarnation became a man at 21. The Vatican feared he would read the actual 3rd secret and destroy the false religion created by the Roman Empire in the 4th century around the false prophet Paul’s words, thus the real secret was not released!

Only in 2000, 40 years later, was an inaccurate, misleading version publicly released by former Cardinal Ratzinger, head of the infamous “Holy Office of Inquisitions”, and officially released by the late Pope John Paul.

Now, Pope Ratzinger, former Head of the “Holy Office of Inquisitions”, is making sure people receiving visions are brainwashed by a team of “atheists or Catholics”.

The Secret Truth about the “True Jesus”, not “Rome’s fake Jesus” is now online at . A book about the true Jesus and also a DVD by the Guardians of Ancient Knowledge about the true history of humanity is also available at

Full News Release

“Catholics ordered to keep quiet over Virgin visions”

By Jerome Taylor and Simon Caldwell

Tuesday, 13 January 2009
The Independent UK

Catholics who claim they have seen the Virgin Mary will be forced to remain silent about the apparitions until a team of psychologists, theologians, priests and exorcists have fully investigated their claims under new Vatican guidelines aimed at stamping out false claims of miracles.

The Pope has instructed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, formerly the Holy Office of the Inquisition, to draw up a new handbook to help bishops snuff out an explosion of bogus heavenly apparitions.

Benedict XVI plans to update the Vatican's current rules on investigating apparitions to help distinguish between true and false claims of visions of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, messages, stigmata (the appearances of the five wounds of Christ), weeping and bleeding statues and Eucharistic miracles.

Monsignor Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, a respected Spanish Jesuit archbishop, has been placed in charge of drawing up the handbook, known as a "vademecum", which will update the current rules set in 1978.

According to Petrus, an Italian online magazine which leans towards conservative elements in the Vatican, anyone who claims to have seen an apparition will only be believed as long as they remain silent and do not court publicity over their claims. If they refuse to obey, this will be taken as a sign that their claims are false.

The visionaries will then be visited by a team of psychiatrists, either atheists or Catholics, to certify their mental health while theologians will assess the content of any heavenly messages to see if they contravene Church teachings.

If the visionary is considered credible they will ultimately be questioned by one or more demonologists and exorcists to exclude the possibility that Satan is hiding behind the apparitions in order to deceive the faithful.

Guidelines for the approval of apparitions and revelations were last issued in 1978. They lay down that a diocesan bishop can "either on his own initiative or at the request of the faithful" choose to investigate an alleged apparition. He then submits a report to the Vatican for approval.