Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Insight #8 “Blue the hue of creativity? Red for detail?”

By LAURAN NEERGAARD (AP) – February 5, 2009
(Full news release at bottom)

“Red seems to improve attention to detail while blue sparks creativity.”

“Those who saw red backgrounds focused on what to avoid — while those who saw blue went for the creativity”

Real Story, Blue is Unconditional Love, Red is Unceasing Light

Scientific and religious reasons exist why the color blue enhances one’s “creative” ability to perceive the whole picture of life, and why the color red causes one to lose that ability, becoming lost in detail.

Albert Einstein said, “Religion without Science is blind and Science without Religion is lame.” An autistic adult, Einstein, gave out many levels of wisdom in a few words.

Among the levels of wisdom contained in this statement is one that says if those who interpret ancient religious scriptures cannot see how their scriptures agree with modern scientific studies, they are blind and cannot see truth in their own scriptures.

He also says that if modern scientific theories cannot agree with ancient religious scriptures, then science limps along, unable to fully understand life, having to constantly change their theories to agree with their latest scientific studies.

Since religion is blind and science is lame, neither understands the vast amount of wisdom contained in indigenous legends, that are really scriptures that combine religion and science.

There is a 900 year old Hopi Native American Ascension, (or “Rapture”), legend that describes during the “End Times”, the “one hearts” will travel to a “blue sun”, and leave the “two hearts” behind with their “red sun”.

Let us examine this prophecy using both modern scientific studies and ancient scriptures. Science has now proven that in the electro-magnetic energy spectrum, the color blue has the highest frequency level energies while red has the lowest.

Science has also proven there are only electro-magnetic energies in our universe, but science has not yet perceived that their “electro-magnetic energies” are actually the energies of Unceasing Electric Light and Unconditional Magnetic Love.

Blue electro-magnetic energy consists of high levels of Unconditional Love, while red electro-magnetic energy is comprised of high levels of Unceasing Light.

Unconditional Love is left brain blue energy oriented toward wisdom, insights and creativity, while the energy of Unceasing Light is right brain red energy, oriented toward logic, facts and details.

Nine hundred years ago, as discussed in the “Revelations” CDs, a Scottish born Knights Templar, (the 9th incarnation of Jesus), became known as Quetzalcoatl, and taught people of the New World many things.

He also prophesized how, during the solar sun spot cycle that ends 2012, the “one hearts”, (Enlightened Spiritual Adepts and Enlightened Autistic Children using Whole Brain Thinking), will ascend, to the “Promised Land of Unconditional Love” as prophesized in the scriptures of Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism.

And so it is that Whole Brain Thinking “One Hearts” will ascend. However, the “Two Hearts”, “normal” individuals who use their left and right brains separately, only half a brain at a time, those who have become so detail oriented that they read scriptures literally and are judgmental toward others. Such people will be left behind.

A vast number of ancient secrets from Knights Templar documents about the “True Jesus”, not the Roman Empire’s “fake Jesus” are online at The “Revelations” CDs and a DVD by the Guardians of Ancient Knowledge about the true history of humanity is available at

Blue the hue of creativity? Red for detail?
By LAURAN NEERGAARD (AP) – Feb. 5, 2009

WASHINGTON (AP) — We learn from toddlerhood that red means danger — so should we use red ink for medication warnings? And if blue signals the freedom of open skies, how about brainstorming in a room painted blue?

Maybe so, says new research into how the brain reacts to colors: Red seems to improve attention to detail while blue sparks creativity.

"People are not aware of this effect at all," marvels lead researcher Juliet Zhu of the University of British Columbia, who studies how environmental cues affect behavior.

The subconscious effect of color is a hot area of psychology research, in part because marketers try to use color to hook us on whatever they're trying to sell.

And the newest research, published Thursday by the journal Science, suggests they'd better be careful — because red or blue can spark very different brain reactions depending on the task involved.

The study put college students through a series of cognitive tests, most involving computer screens colored either red or blue. Both colors could enhance performance but in very different ways.

Students memorized more words when the list was on a red screen, for instance. Told to think of different uses for a brick, those shown a red screen listed practical things like "build a house" while those who saw blue got more creative with "make a paperweight' and "build a pet scratching post."

When they rated ads, those who saw red backgrounds focused on what to avoid — they liked toothpaste that stressed cavity-fighting over tooth-whitening — while those who saw blue went for the creativity of a camera ad that showed travel images instead of touting the zoom lens.

Because we learn early that red means to avoid danger, maybe it's slowing us down in detail-oriented tasks so we can do them better — things like memorizing, proofreading, reading warning labels, concluded Zhu, an assistant marketing professor, and co-author Ravi Mehta.

But people associate blue with sky, freedom, peace, maybe sparking a feeling of exploration than in turn enhances creativity.

"It's really this learned association with these colors that drive these different motivations," Zhu said.

If the findings are right, the creativity discovery could be a big advance — no one's ever made such a link, said Andrew Elliot of the University of Rochester, a leader in the field of color psychology.

But he had a big caution: The study focused on hue without properly taking into account the intensity and brightness of the colors, meaning it should be repeated to be sure.

Most color research has focused on red, finding, for example, that it makes good sports uniforms because it's intimidating. Elliot found red is truly a good Valentine's color, making men consider women more sexually attractive than other colors do.

But how the brain reacts depends on the question you ask, Elliot said. When he flashed red at students before an IQ test or exam he found it undermines performance, maybe making them think of the failure that a teacher's red pen marks evoke.

That doesn't contradict Zhu's results, Elliot cautioned — proofreading or memorizing is more detail-oriented than a big exam.

The bottom line: "What color research shows is our behavior is driven by things we aren't aware of, by things we see on a regular basis," he said. "It's important to know, so when one sees red one can maybe try to counteract the natural tendency to make mistakes and fail."

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